SG Old-English Hedda *M
SG Old-English Hedda *M as a 4 yr old
ADGA Genetics Database
DOB: February 25, 2016
Sire: SGCH +*B Old-English Finnian 3-04 EX90 EEEsemen available
SS: ++*B Old-English Kojack semen available
Sire of 2012 ADGA Nat'l GCH
SD: SGCH Old-English Arianna 5*M EX92 EEEE
Dam to 1st Place 3 yr old 2015 National Show
1st Place Dam and Daughter 2015 ADGA Nat'ls
Dam to 2015 Spotlight Sale doeling
Dam: Old-English Edda (lost to mastitis as a 1st freshener)
DS: *B Old English Dexter semen available
Sire to 3rd place, 2nd udder Yearling Milker 2015 ADGA Nat'ls
DD: Old-English Whitney 6-01 EX90 VEEV
4-08 305 3410 106BF 95Pr
5-08 305 3520 97BF 99Pr
1-04 VG88 VVVE
2-05 EX91 VEEE
1-01 282 2660 95 3.6%BF 84 3.2%Pr
2-01 305 3637 117 3.2%BF 107 2.9%Pr
3-00 299 3940 127 3.22BF 121 3.07%Pr
4-01 286 3428 114 3.3%BF 103 3.0%Pr
Lifetime to date: 1172 days 13,665# milk 453# BF 415# Pr
2019 - shown 7x, 1x ResCH, 1x 1st, 4x 2nd, 1x 3rd 1x 5th